Be unapologetically you.

Music Director

…And Music Theory Enthusiast/Nerd

Acting Reel

A brief glimpse of my acting and singing…

The Very Model of a Modern Major General

And of course, how could anyone forget Sawyer Whitted’s “Modern Major General”… the Major General’s struts about the stage smiling through the mustache, along with the silly salute the rest of the cast mimics in the background, kept me in stitches.

- The Scroll Review, Cairn University

King Triton

played with warmth by Sawyer Whitted… a father who is maybe a bit too stern, but ultimately caring.

- Lvstage Review, Lehigh Valley Stage

My love for acting is the garden given to me to tend. And so I put my whole self into every project I sign. What other option is there?!

— Sawyer Whitted